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Tuesday Oct 13, 2015 New Moon in Libra

ts time for planting, planning for balance, fashion and beauty in our life, its been a tough ride with the eclipse. our communication (Mercury) over fashion, balance (Libra) has been in retrograde last week and a bit and venus the planet of libra  has been retrograding all winter.. then we had all those eclipses for emotional intensity.

we've had focuses on career and getting organised lately, but now its time to think about how we want to spoil ourself and laying that into effect. its a balance-we put the hard work in and we'll get some great returns. because it is a new moon it is easy to find a voice that wants to do it an easy way, but listen to your heart and loved ones..

wishing you all waterfalls :-) new moon is a time when the ghosts and evil faeries come out so any preoccupation with your appearance, or what others think of you, or erratic indecision for no reason, acknowledge it and try put it to rest, inside us there's a balancing power of the goddesses/gods we are.. 

i've got some heavy libran shit in my chart so I'm super aware of the warning signs, some of you will only have slight effects from this dark moon

Sound 12) bdtd185 club sound witches