Moon Horoscope for Apr 11, 2017 - May 11, 2017

❍ ♎ ❍ ♎❍ ♎❍ ♎❍ ♎❍ ♎❍ ♎❍ ♎❍ ♎❍ ♎❍ ♎❍ ♎❍ ♎❍ ♎❍ ♎❍ ♎

Full Moon in Libra, Relationships, Spying and the Takedown

There is a focus on big things in relationships this full moon whether it be with our intimate partners or our open enemies. the headstrong in us gets disturbed about compromise or vice-versa and one feminine pariah may be taken down. The planets are watching us from all around the chart, its a bit about strategy and spying.. For moon aspects, keep in mind Goddess worship, it could save you from going down like Marie Antoinette. We are sensitive to discord but should also be mindful to be sensitive to our own aggression. -Full Moon Square Pluto ♇ turns us into a raging Kali, so try and remember what we are raging for. Jupiter ♃ near the Moon brings big challenges, the Moon opposite Uranus ♅ brings a stir and Moon quincunx Mars ♂ gives a sense of timing to it all.