Moon Horoscope for Nov 15, 2016 - Dec 15, 2016
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Full Moon in Taurus
Supermoon: Ladidee-Ladida a magical kiss <3
full moons in taurus are magical enough let alone when the moon is closest to the earth in more than 60 odd years, this really is the time to set up some plans for form-transformation, get ready to turn those frogs into ???. this is the tension im focusing on, though others around you could feel the political pull between collecting-sharing.. there are actually some great aspects with venus in capricorn this week so its a good time to make a new form or structure in your art practice..Those with many or big planets in fixed signs ie. Taurus, Leo Scorpio, Aquarius most affected.
Other planet shifts: saturday nov 19 is a magical unexpected romance time after a confusing friday. (thanks to Neptune).